Thursday, October 18, 2012

Macular Degeneration and Low Vision

Dr. Randolph Kinkade, a Connecticut low vision optometrist, reports the availability of new telescopic glasses for returning some useful vision for those with macular degeneration.  New advances and innovations provide magnification and renewed sight for people with this condition.
Dr. Kinkade's Writing Telescope
Prescription for
Macular Degeneration
In macular degeneration, and other sight robbing conditions, there is vision loss in the middle of the retina, the point of maximum vision.  According to the National Eye Institute, macular degeneration affects between 30 and 35 percent of seniors in the USA. 

Macular degeneration occurs in both “wet” and “dry” forms and makes it difficult or even impossible to do the daily things most people take for granted. The symptoms include blurring of the central field of vision, as well as, distortion or loss of vision.

The macula is part of the central retina in the back of the eye and is made up of millions of light-sensitive cells that give sharp, detailed vision.  The retina is responsible for converting light energy into electrical energy and sending the information via the optic nerve to the brain. 
Bioptic Eyeglass Success Stories

Dr. Kinkade describes telescopic glasses as miniaturized prescription-based binoculars that are designed in different strengths and positions according to the needs of the patient. Microscope spectacles are also available offering high-power magnification.
Dr. Kinkade's Sewing
Telescope Prescription
Magnification is needed to see things up close to participate in activities like reading and to see in the distance for watching television and driving.  Dr. Kinkade believes by combining several different lenses it offers the best chance for success.

Research and new treatments offer improved quality of life to those who with macular degeneration and other vision limiting conditions. There is hope for those who thought nothing more could be done.

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